2018年3月13日 星期二

專門法律用語 (2) - Effect

2.     EFFECT

In Chinese, it usually means效力作用效果效用 生效影響達成”.

For example:

(i)       To strengthen the “deterrent effect(加強阻嚇力

(ii)     To strengthen the monitoring “effect(加強監管作用

(iii)   To strengthen the “effect” of publicity (加強宣傳效果

(iv)    To strengthen its “effect(增強其效用

(v)      The new law takes“effect” from tomorrow. (新法例明日起生效

(vi)    The toxic elements will have adverse “effect” on health.  (這些有毒元素會對健康構成不良影響

(vii)  It is a contracteffected for the purpose of realizing property. (那是一份為將財產變現而達成的合約。)

In a legal context, it can mean意思 ; and “to the/that effect” means 示明, or 表明此意.

For example:

There shall be used the appropriate form prescribed in that Schedule or other forms to the likeeffect


The nomination form shall be accompanied by a declarationto the effect that the candidate will uphold the Basic Law.


There is a term of the contract, express or implied, to thateffect.




法律用語: “條例”與“規例”的分別: 立法機關通過法律 (law) ,由行政機關執行,行政機關為了有效執行法律,會另外制定執行相關法律的行政法規 (regulation) ,它是附屬法例 (subsidiary legislation) 的其中一種。 ...